Chris Atkins: Lies and Truth - How to get to the truth of a story by telling lies
Chris' first doc, Taking Liberties, is about the loss of civil liberties in the UK and is a polemical and entertaining theatrical feature. In June 2007 the film was released theatrically and was one of the highest-grossing documentaries of 2007. Chris was nominated for a BAFTA – The Carl Foreman Award for best writer, director or producer in their first feature film. He has since produced a slew of controversial documentaries for both cinema and TV.
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Penelope Fisher (Wednesday, 05 December 2012 12:44)
Chris Atkins brilliant work, it was a fantastic talk. Keep the Truth coming!
Leilani Holmes (Friday, 15 March 2013 18:16)
Chris Atkins is an incredible documentary filmmaker who's work makes us question the very nature of story and what and who it serves.
Sonyah (Saturday, 23 November 2019 16:13)
Chris Atkins, please get and read this book: Hebrews to Negroes (H2N) by: Ron Dalton jnr. You say you are about finding out the truth. The world is waking up to who the true Hebrew Israelites are. The guy you video on the tube was quoting from the bible. I recognise the verse in Revelation 3:9 KJV. The trouble is most people do not know the truth as you are aware are fed a pack of LIES.